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We are from Joshua's Oracle Brave Youth Mass, wings of Tribal People and Women Welfare Organisation, India. We all are bonafied mebmres of Jeypore Evangelical Lutheran Church, Orissa under UELCI. Would like to participate in the LWF Youth Group & its activities. We have 20 mebmres all are Lutheran background & learnt many thing from the writing of Martin Luther and doing Ministry Independently to bring back the people who left Lutheran faith & the unreached people of the aborginal tribes. We have more than 100 Independent Churches willing to be in Lutheran Faith. We would like to share, contribute our expertise, feeling & work under His Grace among the other corner of the World. Hence kindly guide & encourage us to do the Youth Ministry under His Grace. E-mail me the details procedure to be a member of the LWF as well as Youth Desk to contribute our share for the extension of His kingdom on this Earth.

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  • The Lutheran Zephyr
    (ði ˈluθərən ˈzɛfər)

    - noun

    1) A light Lutheran wind;

    2) A way to banish the Devil.

    The blog of Chris Duckworth, a 30-something husband, father, pastor, runner, baseball fan, and political junkie.

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